Preventive Locksmithing: Fix Early to Avoid Problems

Prevention is better than cure. The maxim applies for locksmith troubles as well. Instead of waiting for a worn key to break down or the cranky lock to stop turning altogether, get your locks repaired, keys made or replaced.

Replacing or attending to the lock & key troubles early helps you save money as well as avoid inconvenience. Getting a key copied at a locksmith shop is much cheaper than having one professional visit your home or car lockout place.

Locks and security devices are part of or daily life. Whether it’s our home, car, motorcycle, office or shop, locks and keys are part of our lives.

Locks and security devices (even if in rudimentary form) have been there ever since the concept of property ownership. We need to keep our locks and keys in good shape. If we don’t, you end up with a broken key or locked out of your house.

Here we list some of the signs that tell you to get your locks repaired or keys made before you are in an emergency.

  1. Keys with visible cracks: With constant use, keys wear out. The stress on metal during the process of turning also make them break after long use. If there are any signs of some defect or crack in the key, get new keys made without delay. Your key might break down under stress soon.
  2. Keys hard to turn: When a key does not turn properly, it’s time to get your lock serviced or repaired. This generally happens when the locks are old and the lever mechanism is failing due to rust or wear.
  3. Keys don’t unlock easily: Sometimes keys turn without opening the lock. If you have to turn keys repetitively to unlock, your keys are failing. Get a replacement key made as soon as possible.
  4. Rusted locks: If your lock mechanism is rusty, get it serviced to bring it back to health.
  5. Slider locks not working properly: Some error in slider locks means you need to get it fixed even if it work after some tinkering or effort.
  6. Doors not locking properly: If a lock mechanism is starting to fail, locking a house or car door might need extra effort. Don’t let this continue. Get a residential or automotive locksmith attend to it.
  7. Jammed door lock handles: Again, this is a sign of urgent attention. Get a residential locksmith visit and fix the security mechanism in question.
  8. Car remote keys difficult to press: Your car remote is telling you it’s time to say good bye. Get replacement car keys and remote before your current car remote keys fail.

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